Studio Ilona Laurijsse consists of a permanent team of enthusiastic and professional spatial and graphic designers and artists who each bring their own original and unique qualities to the projects. In addition, when necessary, we supplement the team with specialists from other fields. This way we keep it fresh and surprising.
Designer, creative director, concept developer
Studio Ilona Laurijsse designs meaningful, engaging and imaginative spaces. In museums, in schools, in companies, libraries, anywhere really. Spatial storytelling is our core business. We go to great lengths to make sure that the designs we create are eloquent and evocative, the service we provide is excellent, and the process from start to finish, rewarding and enjoyable.
We believe that museums, cultural venues, public organizations and even corporate businesses that focus on
engagement in their exhibitions, displays and visual communication, hold the future in their hands. We enjoy helping our clients to visualise their stories or identity in a creative and attractive way so people can relate to it.
We translate stories and contents into exciting designs. We use different media and elements of (spatial) storytelling to create context and atmospheres with certain suspense. We want the visitor to feel immersed in a new world and included in the story that’s being told. To achieve this, we work with professional exhibition construction firms, light designers, multi media designers, animators, graphic designers, text writers, and other artists.